Strawberry crumble

Strawberry crumble

Strawberries covered with some sweet and crunchy crisp. Ice cream is just the addition.

Gluten free oats and oat flour make a great gluten free base for the sweet crisp. Honey and almonds are a nice combination and of course strawberries! Summer is the perfect time to find some fresh strawberries and eat them as often as we can.


3 cups of fresh strawberries 

½ lemon 

1 cup of oat flour

1 cup of old fashioned oats

2 tablespoons of honey 

⅓ cup of coconut oil, melted 

1 teaspoon of cinnamon 

sliced almonds to spread on top


Preheat oven to 375F. Wash strawberries and cut them into pieces. Place into a baking dish. Squeeze some lemon juice on the top of strawberries. In the bowl, combine oats, flour, cinnamon, melted coconut oil and honey. Spread the mixture on top of the strawberries. Bake for 30 min until golden brown. Let it cool down for a bit and serve with ice creams.