It is easy and healthy to make your own bread at home. But this is not the main reason why I like it. I like the fact that you can make a decision what to put in. I love playing with ingredients and adding stuff I like. This time, I made my bread by using just nuts and seeds. No flour, no gluten! Just natural and healthy ingredients that are rich in fiber, proteins and healthy fats. This bread will keep you full for a long time and can last even for a week.
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of honey
1 cup of water
handful of walnuts
handful of pecans
1 ½ cup of sunflower seeds
½ cup of oats
½ cup of hemp seeds
4 tablespoons of chia seeds powder
½ cup of flax seeds
1 teaspoon of salt
- Melt the coconut oil in the pan.
- Add water and honey.
- Ground walnuts and pecans. Add to it.
- Add the rest of ingredients from the list.
- Spread some coconut oil on the baking pan and put the dough.
- Leave overnight.
- Next day, bake in 354 F for 20 minutes, take it out flip over and bake for 30 minutes.