Let’s talk about milk today. Nowadays, due to allergies or other factors, many people avoid dairy products. A plant-based milk is the healthiest choice for you. This kind of milk has more valuable nutrients and vitamins than cow’s milk and it is lactose-free. There are many plants which you can make a milk from, such as coconut, soy, oats, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts) seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame), groats: rice or millet.  Have you ever thought about making your own homemade milk? As much as possible I try to use fresh foods or make things myself when it makes sense. I made my coconut milk from just 2 ingredients: shredded coconut and water. This milk is delicious and healthy. Making your own milk will keep you away from unhealthy additives.

Fortunately, making homemade coconut milk is easy and very inexpensive. From my calculations, homemade coconut milk costs less than $1 per batch, and it can be used in smoothies or just to drink by itself.


4 cups water

2 cups coconut flakes


  1. Cook coconut flakes in the water and blend them until they will have a creamy consistency.
  2. Next, use gauze drain the milk obtained this way through a sieve, press against the mixture.
  3. Pour the milk into a glass and keep the milk in the fridge.
  4. Always shake before use.

Making your own milk will keep you away from unhealthy addiction.