I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like chocolate. Even my healthy soul dreams about chocolate sometimes. Then I can hear 2 voices in my head: one goes like: Karolina don’t eat it, you will put on weight! When another one goes: maybe just one little a piece, just one? But I don’t listen any of them, because I found another way. HEALTHY HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE!
Yum…the main ingredient is coconut oil! People who eat coconut are the healthiest people in the world! The benefits of using coconut oil are amazing! It is good for your heart and brain. It can decrease your appetite and burn the fat, so it even helps to lose weight! Okay now I can eat my homemade chocolate and let my belly get smaller. So, if you love chocolate, as many people do, then be sure that you eat really healthy chocolate for a high vibrational and nourishing treat.


200g coconut oil

2 tablespoons of coconut milk the heavy part from cane

3 tablespoons of cocoa

3 tablespoon honey you can put more or less

Nuts or dry fruits



  1. Warm the coconut oil up in the pan
  2. Add the rest mix it.
  3. Pour to the plastic form and add nuts or raisins whatever you want.
  4. Leave in the freezer for 1 hour.

 Keep in the fridge.