Delicious and perfect treat – snack for everyone who loves coconut.
4 ingredients is enough to make it healthy!

As all of my homemade desserts, they do not have sugar. I used my favorite dates. Dates are extremely sweet. This is because they contain the high natural sugar. As they are packed with fiber, they will boost your metabolism. In addition, they have so many Vitamins and nutrients that after eating them, you are not going to get hungry easily. Also, as I said they are very sweet so you cannot eat it too much.

Another great ingredient in those balls is tahini. Tahini is a cream made out of sesame seeds. Ohh, I love tahini.  For me eating just dates with tahini seems like heaven. But, let’s talk about healthy benefits of it. Tahini is similar as a peanut butter. However, it is really good, because this is just one ingredient – grounded sesame seeds. You will buy it without any preservatives. The good thing is that it has a lot of fiber and protein, so it will go perfectly in a post workout snacks. Also, it will make you full right away!

But the coconut part makes the coconut balls amazing. Coconut flour, coconut milk and coconut flakes … ah I love coconut. Are you coconut lover as well?


100 g pitched dates

1 cup of coconut flour

2 tablespoons of tahini

2 tablespoons of coconut milk

coconut flakes to cover the balls


  1. Soak the dates in hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Blend the dates with coconut flour, tahini and coconut milk.
  3. Make the bowls, they should remind the size of walnut.
  4. Cover them with coconut flakes.

Keep them in the refrigerator.


This is Dates – Planet’s Healthiest Fruit That Cures Many Diseases